Word Press/CMS

Word Press/CMS Development Services


No matter what are the dynamics of your business stream, our experienced professional developers will design and develop your project in a way that all your needs will be fulfilled. The technology that suits your needs the best will be crafted and customized as per your demands and suitability. For this no matter what CMS environment is required we have a huge team of proficient developers from Word press to Duplar and from Joomla to Magento. We make sure that the interface and both front and back end are compatible and friendly for further upgrades. Before a project is finalized we run check tests and implement the project to look for possible bugs and fixed that may be required.

In addition the expert developer stays in contact with you throughout the development process. The expert developer makes sure that your instructions and feedback is considered during the designing and development of your tool or project. You are shown the progress of the work at every step so that at no point we go off direction from your given instructions. Your given instructions and order details are always followed properly so that you get the best results. This technology allows you to have a better user experience and gives you a better control of your website, portal or software.

  • Expert professional developers for word press websites from the scratch.
  • Flawless integration and customization of themes.
  • Expert Quality Assurance executives to provide error analysis and elimination services.
  • If you don’t want to change the design and structure of an already existing website but convert it into Word press code then that is also an option.
  • PSD to word press conversion at the cheapest rates.
  • Other than word press our experts have sufficient command on Drupal, Joomla, Dotnet Nuke And Magento CMS environment.

If you have an already working environment and you need some changes we are ready to take the responsibility of that as well. A website changes as per your needs or any amendment will be furnished on need. If the website needs changes from the scratch we do that as well and if your project requires the removal of bugs and other errors our experts are ready to undertake the responsibility of improving your piece of work.

Payment mode is flexible as we understand that investing big amount of money without practically working with someone is very risky. That is why we allow our customers to pay in installments and this is how they don’t risk a lot of money when it is their first time with us.

Our prices are affordable and the quality of work we provide is unmatchable. Once you take our services you will not be satisfied by another vendor because we ensure priority customer service and satisfaction. We are goal oriented professionals who have a goal of satisfying the customer’s needs at any cost. We have provided CMS development services to thousands of customers and all of them are happy with our final product. For any updates or amendments they consider getting back to us instead of going to someone else and this is only because of the quality services that we have provided.

Your data can be huge but our massive team of developers with skilled techniques your data will be sophistically handled and utilized. We make sure that the product is integrated with technology that is easily converted, changed or amended using cross platforms as well and we make sure that all the risk factors are reduced to a level of null.

The process to get started is easy, just use our live chat support or the contact us page to discuss your prospects with our expert developers now. On reviewing your needs and requests you will be quoted a price for the services type you need and on the clearance of an upfront payment the process will be started and a team of developers will correspond with you. You will be suggested several ideas and experienced experts will listen to you and after hearing what you have in your mind they will start giving technological shapes to your ideas and you will be kept updated with the progress of work. The progress will be shown to your partially or whenever you request and at every point we shall take your opinion and suggestions so that nothing is kept behind the curtains and you stay updated at every point of the development of your product.

You can discuss, suggest and ask questions about the developer’s work and he/she will respond to you accordingly.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax


Fashion, Marketplace

Fasyen is the social discovery platform and a community for women to find all information about beauty and fashion: from the review of the product and brand, new product recommendation, gorgeous tips, tutorials, opinions, inspiration, to guide to shopping…


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax


Yoga, Health Care

Rachel Brathen is online yoga instructor and we have developed an online platform where different workshops and sessions can be posted and user can make appointment and pay online. The website also can access to social media like facebook.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax


Auction, Automobile

Car Auction Online is online auction website which we developed the backend with flat design where car pictures and specifications are posted for auction and users and biding are done online for the cars and user can get the complete information and procedure guidance.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax



PSDtolive have designed and developed an e-commerce website for HillCrest Spinal Center where users can post their posture images and can get treatments and exercises and can make payments online through their credit cards.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax


Graphic Design, Services

Revamped the look and feel for one of the leading logo design websites in the industry. We have face-lifted the design with modern look and feel and redesigned all the elements and functionality on the website for better traffic and search engine ranking.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax


Travel, City Guide

It is a Cruise information based website where audience can view all the details about cruise ships and packages and holidays. It also provide information about different events taking place on cruises and the places which cruises will be going. We made this system on Wordpress and CMS.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax


Real Estate

We have designed and developed custom website for one of the leading state agents in US. The website deals in Estate and Marketing where one have to register be it tenant or agent or buyer. On the website you can post reviews and can view different properties online as well.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax



Al-Shaheer is one of the leading meat exporter company in South Asia. We have developed their online identity and news, events. The jobs can also be posted online on their website. We have also helped them with their marketing plan through SM campaigns.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax



We have revamped the look and feel for Writing Services online where students can post their orders and can get assignments done and can follow up with their orders online. We also made CRM for them where writers and customers interact with each other.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax


Application Development

Apporttech is online agency providing it services online. We have helped in designing online identity and helped them in social media campaigns and designed a plan through which they can generate more traffic on the website through Email Newsletters & SEO.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax



A famous and re-known School Corner Stones School wanted their fresh web presence. They wanted parent interactive website with all news feature also in it. The client also wanted it to be responsive design which can be easily viewed by parents sitting at home using their phone or tablets. They also want communication platform in their website where teachers and parents can exchange their views.


HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AJax


Identity, Retail

Wood experts are one of the largest wood work company in UAE with more than 400 ready wood types. We have helped them in the online presence and designed the website over Wordpress, CMS and all pages are responsive which can work on all the devices.


We offer an extensive array of IT services, ranging from application development to e-commerce solutions, web designs to web content and web hosting to search engine optimization. Be it a marketing idea or a technical expertise.

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